Python Programming
This course is an introduction to the Python programming language without prior programming experience. Python language is a language with simple syntax and a strong set of libraries. It is an interpreted language which holds an advanced programming environment including a powerful debugger and profiler, although it is very easy to understand for beginners. It is used for data exploration in many scientific fields. In this python programming course we cover data types, control flow, object-oriented programming and applications that are controlled by graphical user interfaces. The examples and problems that we have used in this course come from a variety of areas such as word processing, basic graphics and image manipulation, HTML and web programming, and genomics.
Course Details
Nowadays Python is a hotly debated programming language. It is widely used in many kinds of business fields that require programming, internet development, machine learning, and information science. Because of its widespread use, it is not surprising that Python has replaced Java as the primary programming language. Our aim of this course is to provide students with a solid knowledge in the basic concepts of Python. With the help of this course students can learn and implement real-time Python applications. The course covers all the basic concepts of Python.
After the end of the course there is discussion about many Python related real-time projects, concepts can include database connectivity and GUI. Programming would be done on different platforms.
Course Information
Introduction to Python
Running Python Programs
Writing Python Code
Data Types and Variables
Using Numeric Variables
Using String Variables
Printing with Parameters
Getting Input from a User
String Formatting
Logical Expressions
The “if” Statement
Logical Operators
More Complex Expressions
Unit 2: Data Structures and Modules with Functions
Lists and Tuples
List Functions
“For” Loops
“While” Loops
Character Data
String creations and its Functions
Math module
Time module
Writing and Calling Functions
Creation of user defined Module
Unit 3: Object Oriented Approach
Function Inputs and Outputs
Local and Global Scope
Class Variables and Methods
Managing Class Functions
Function calling
Class instances
Lambda Functions
Unit 4: Error Handling and File Handling
Exception handling with try
handling Multiple Exceptions
Writing your own Exception
File handling Modes
Reading Files
Writing Or Appending to Files
Handling File Exceptions
Unit 5: GUI in Python (Tkinter) with Database (Project Phase)
Components and Events
An Example GUI
The root Component
Adding a Button
Entry Widgets
Text Widgets
Check buttons , etc
Introduction to database
DB Connection
Creating DB Table
Future Opportunity
Future Scope of the course: It's very clear that the Python growth is promising for the upcoming time. Top companies use Java and Python. That's why these technologies are trending now and in the future. As a result, Python has become a core language that Python uses for research, production, and development. Small, big startups choose Python to meet their customer needs. Python was chosen as the preferred language instead of c, c ++, machine learning courses, and R programming.
It is the most popular language in the IT industry for writing scripts and testing mobile devices. Python is just a good tool on a large scale. Companies in India expect highly skilled Python developers for their company. Statistics show a steady increase in salaries for Python developers.
Tutor Information
1. Python Tools: Tutor at Allsoft solutions will teach to use all the python tools during the course.
2. Python Syntax and Semantics: Our tutor has knowledge of syntax and semantics, they are familiar with writing and interpreting the python program.
3. Programming Principles: They always know the basic programming principles like keeping the program simple and keep in mind all the principals while writing the program.
4. Python Programming: They help you learn Python Programming Language in the most efficient way, with basics to advanced topics (like Web-scraping, Django, Deep-Learning, etc.) with examples.
5. Computer Programming: They teach you computer programming which is used to write code that instructs how a computer, application or software program performs.
Industry Driven projects
Hangman Project in Python
Python Project Idea –This project is for implementing the hangman game using Python. This project does not require any external modules, just random and time modules from Python.
Python functions and loops are enough to make a hangman's game.
Rock Paper Scissors Python Game
Python Project Idea – Rock-paper-scissors is a game between two players which consists of only a few rules. We can define the rules and conditions for who wins the game based on the player's pattern.
Dice roll simulator in Python
Python Project Idea - In this the dice rolling simulator mimics the experience of throwing the dice. A random number is generated and the user can keep playing to get a number from the dice until the user decides to exit.
Email Slicer Project
Python Project Idea - The Email Slicer is a handy program to get the username and domain name from an email address. You can customize this information and send the user a message.
Mad Libs Generator Python game
Python Project Idea - Mad Libs Generator is a fun game for kids. This is a project for absolute beginners. The project randomly creates stories with some adjustments. If you are new in programming then you can choose this project first.
You can ask users to put in a few words like name, action, etc and then the stories will be modified with your words.