![Full Stack Development](Allsoft-Dashboard/Raw_Assets/Image/CourseHeader/Q5hzblZ2WvqHpaf.png)
Full Stack Development
The job-oriented full-stack development training offered by Allsoft focuses on developing skills in the front-end and back-end. This training is suitable for students or developers who want to become a full-stack developer. When we talk about full-stack developers, they deal with every single phase of software and web development for e.g. creating business logic, modeling data, working with APIs, creating user interfaces and working with databases SQL and NO SQL.
Full Stack Developers are specialists in the field of software development; You can easily create websites or applications that are both sophisticated and engaging. They have multiple skills, so salaries are high compared to software engineers too. When a person is a full stack developer, he or she has the ability to switch from one technology to another very easily. The responsibility for interacting with databases can also be assumed by a full-stack developer who can also test and debug applications with various software test tools.
After completing the full stack development course at Allsoft, students will be able to build applications using both server-side and client-side programming that DO NOT use a SQL database such as MongoDB to store data. In this course you will learn to build applications using the MERN (Mongo Express React Node) stack. High-end backend creation with Node JS and Express Framework. MongoDB is used as the data storage platform. Express is used to build applications that are more stable and consistent.
Course Details
- More than 12 years of experience in the training industry.
- The students can master the topic in a practical way.
- Presentation of advanced projects.
- Highly qualified lecturer with many years of experience
- Latest course content
- Interactive sessions with pure practical relevance.
Course Information
Unit 1:
html 5
Intro of HTML
Basic Elements & Document Setup - Project Basic Elements
Lists & Tables - Project List & Table
Forms & Input - Project Registration Form
Basic Styling - Project on Basic CSS
New Elements - Project on New Elements
Video & Audio - Project Audio Visual
Canvas - Project on Drawing with Canvas
Svg - Project on Vector Graphics
Web Storage - Project on Web Storage
Drag & Drop - Project on HTML5 Drag and Drop
Geolocation - Project on Geolocation
css 3
Intro of CSS
CSS Basic Styling - Project on Basic Styling
Positioning & Background Images - Project on Images
Pseudo Classes - Project on Pseudo Classes
Colors, Backgrounds & Gradients - Project on Color Backgrounds
Text & Box Shadows - Project Text Shadows
Transitions & Animation - Project on Animations
Columns & Flexbox - Project in FlexBox
CSS3 - Project using Dropdown Menu
java script
Variables, Arrays & Objects - Project using Arrays and Objects
Loops, Conditionals & Switches - Project on Iterations
Functions & Events - Project on Functions
JavaScript Form Validation - Form Project
Learning Ajax - Basic Ajax Project
Unit 2:
Setup, Templates & Navbar - Project using Navbar
Typography, Forms & Tables - Project using Forms and Tables
CSS Components - Project using Components - Part A
CSS Components - Project using Components - Part B
Grid System - Project using Grid System
Modal, Dropdown, Tabs & Tooltip - Project on JavaScript Plugins(Part A)
Collapse, Accordion and Carousel
Project Custom Bootstrap Theme - Part A
Project Custom Bootstrap Theme - Part B
Project Custom Bootstrap Theme - Part C
Selectors & Mouse Events - Project on Selectors
Form Events - Project Form Events
DOM Manipulation - Project on DOM
Effects & Animation - Project on Effect and Animation
Traversing & Filtering - Project on Filtering
Unit 3):
Advanced Technologies
Advanced Javascript
Error Handling
Image Map
Object Oriented Javascript
Node Js
Node J.S
Node.js Intro
Node.js Get Started
Node.js Modules
Node.js HTTP Module
Node.js File System
Node.js URL Module
Node.js NPM
Node.js Events
Node.js Upload Files
Node.js Email
Node J.S and MongoDb Connectivity
Unit 4):
Development and Database
Introduction to PHP :- Evaluation of Php, Basic Syntax, Defining variable and constant, Php Data type, Operator and Expression.
Decisions and loop :- Making Decisions, Doing Repetitive tasks with looping, Mixing Decisions and looping with Html.
Function :- What is a function, Define a function, Call by value and Call by reference, Recursive function, String, Creating and accessing, String Searching & Replacing String, Formatting String, String, Related Library function.
Array :- Anatomy of an Array, Creating index based and Associative array Accessing array, Element, Looping with Index based array, Looping with associative array using each () and foreach(), Some useful Library function.
Handling Html Form with Php :- Capturing Form, Data Dealing with Multi-value field, and Generating File uploaded form, redirecting a form after submission.
Working with file and Directories :- Understanding file or directory, Opening and closing, a file, Coping, renaming and deleting a file, working with directories, Creating and deleting folder, File Uploading & Downloading.
Session and Cookie :- Introduction to Session Control, Session Functionality What is a Cookie, Setting Cookies with PHP. Using Cookies with Sessions, Deleting Cookies, Registering Session variables, Destroying the variables and Session.
Database Connectivity with MySql :- Introduction to RDBMS, Connection with MySql Database, Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select), Setting query parameter, Executing queryJoin (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.
Exception Handling :- Understanding Exception and error, Try, catch, throw. Error tracking and debugging.
Node Js+Mongo Db
MongoDB Get Started
MongoDB Create Database
MongoDB Create Collection
MongoDB Insert
MongoDB Find
MongoDB Query
MongoDB Sort
MongoDB Delete
MongoDB Drop Collection
MongoDB Update
MongoDB Limit
MongoDB Join
Future Opportunity
Choosing the software industry as a profession can be confusing due to the skyrocketing rise in technology. Beginners focus on an area that is safe and can keep its relevance for years to come. The solution to this problem is full stack development as the demand for full stack developers is high and it is one of the most demanding and lucrative and high profile jobs in the software industry.
The future of full-stack developers is bright as they are experts at all development levels, including the front end, business logic, and database level. There are a number of frameworks and technologies that are in full-stack development, and full-stack developers have mastered more than one technology and framework, so job security is high.
When we talk about business organizations, full stack developers are invaluable. Since there is a very rapid development in software products, this profession will remain.
Tutor Information
At Allsoft, tutors have many years of expertise in NODE JS, Angular JS, React JS,SQL and NOSQL Databases, HTML, CSS, Javascript, BootStrap, Express Frameworks and Knowledge of Object Oriented Programming Concepts.
Industry Driven projects
Project Using Express,Angular JS,React JS,Node Js and Mongodb Combination:
- Ecommerce Web Application
- Content Management System
- Website Monitoring Application
- Analytics System like Google analytics