IOT is a technology which involves the internetworking of physical devices like sensors, motors and linking them to cloud, so as to get updates remotely from almost anywhere in short IOT started the creation of the smart world. IoT has many promising applications for smart homes, wearable devices, smart cities, connected cars and many more.

This is a very practical oriented Course. The kit for this course costs around 8000 but we will provide you kit totally free of cost for practice. The kit includes components like Raspberry Pi 3, Arduino, Sensors, Relay Module, Soldering Iron, Raspberry Pi camera module, Multimeter, Jumper wires, Cable, Breadboard, Transistors, Resistor box, Micro SD (16GB), Capacitor Box, PCB, and LEDs etc. So, get enroll with us for better career.

IOT Overview

Introduction to IOT

Introduction to logic power supply .

Designing and testing power supply .

Introduction to MCU and compiler .

Introduction to MCU .

Pin Configuration.

Introduction to compiler .

Creating first project .

LED interfacing and programing

Interfacing LEDs .

Programing LED

Creating delay functions .

Generating different patterns on LED

7 Segment display

Introduction to 7 segment display

Interfacing 7 segment display .


Introduction to LCD and interfacing

Programing LCD

Displaying counter

C LCD moving message display


Introduction to motor drivers/motors

Interfacing motor driver IC

Interfacing DC geared motor .

Running stepper with MCU

Interfacing stepper motor

Running stepper with MCU .