Business analytics is the practice of iterative, methodical exploration of an organization's data with determination on statistical analysis, and being used by data-driven companies for making decisions.
Where business intelligence can be worked as a set of processes, architectures and technologies which help to convert raw data into meaningful information that drives the business in a profitable manner and throughout charts, maps, reports, dashboards, stories, and graphs can be created, formatted, presented and distributed in many ways to the organizations with the help of cognoz that best suites for making reports and a business intelligence tool provided by IBM.
Analytics overview.
Analytics trends past, present & future.
Towards a predictive enterprise.
Analytics: Industry domains.
Case studies and solutions.
Business Intelligence and Analytics 101.
IBM Cognos Analytics for Consumers.
Business analysis solution for consumers.
IBM Cognos Analytics.
Author Reports Fundamentals.
Introduction to IBM Cognos Analytics.
Create list reports.
Focus reports using filters.
Author Reports Advanced.
Create query models.
Create reports based on query relationships.
Drill-through definitions.
Design effective prompts.
Create additional advanced reports .
What Is Human Resources?.
Skills Needed for HRM o Today’s HRM Challenges .
Developing and Implementing Strategic HRM Plans .
Strategic Planning
Writing the HRM Plan .
The Recruitment Process .
The Law and Recruitment .
Recruitment Strategies .
The Selection Process .
Criteria Development and Résumé Review .
Testing and Selecting o Making the Offer .
Goals of a Compensation Plan
Developing a Compensation Package
Types of Pay Systems/p>
Other Types of Compensation
The Costs of Turnover .
Retention Plans
Implementing Retention Strategies
Steps to Take in Training an Employee .
Types of Training .
Training Delivery Methods.