Mobile Application Development

Mobile Application Development

This Android Mobile Application Development training program will lead you to the path of being a certified Android app developer. During the course we’ll go through with the basics of Android Studio, including user interfaces, activities, the default integrated development environment (IDE) to develop Android apps controls then layouts, services, content providers, location and end up with multimedia APIs.

Then we’ll switch to more advanced concepts such as wireless connectivity, syncing to the cloud, Android Wear App development, and Google Play. We’ll make you equipped with the necessary skill set and experience for professional Android application development during this course.

Mobile Application Development Overview

Introduction to Android

What is Android.

Setting up a development environment .

Flow of android studio .

Dalvik virtual Machine .

apk file extension.

Application Structure(in detail)

uses-permission & uses-sdk .

Activity/services/receiver declarations Resources &

Assets Values – strings.xml Layouts & Drawable Resources .

Activities and Activity lifecycle.

First sample Application

Basic UI design

widgets and attributes

Layouts :RelativeLayout ,TableLayout, FrameLayout, LinearLayout

Nested layouts

Shared Preference

Preferences from xml


Option menu

SQLite Programming

SQLite /Worklight Programming .


SQLite/Worklight Database .

JSON Parsing .

JSON file Format

Volley api .